Personal injury claim experts

If you have been injured in an accident and somebody else was at fault, we can help you claim the injury compensation you deserve.

  • Get free impartial advice with no obligation
  • A risk-free, No Win No Fee service
  • Experienced solicitors available nationwide

We are a claims management company regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Accident Types

Accidents are an unfortunate part of life. They happen daily, including road traffic collisions, work accidents, accidents in public places, and even medical errors.

When somebody else’s negligence causes any type of accident resulting in a personal injury, the injured party may be eligible to claim compensation.

If you find yourself in this situation, call 0800 470 0474 today for a free injury claim assessment or request a call back. You can find out within minutes if you can make a claim and how much compensation you could be entitled to receive.

Find out if you can claim

Call 0800 470 0474 now or request a call back below:

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    By submitting this form you agree to be contacted by our partners. Find out how we handle your data in our privacy policy. With no win no fee you typically pay 25% of your compensation if your claim is successful, but the fee can vary. Termination fees may apply if you fail to co-operate with your solicitor.

    Common types of accident claims

    Some of the most common types of accident compensation claims that solicitors deal with include work accidents, slips and trips, road accidents and medical negligence. We will explain some of these common accident types in more detail below.

    If you were involved in an accident, it is wise to contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible to discuss your case in more detail. They will guide you through the claims process and answer all your questions. The best part is that if you are eligible to make a claim, you can do so on a no win no fee basis.

    Accidents on the road

    Many of us will be involved in a road traffic accident at some point in our lives. In fact, every 17 minutes, someone is killed or severely injured on UK roads. In 2023, there were 132,977 casualties of all severities and 1,624 fatalities caused by road accidents.

    If you have been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, whether as a driver or a passenger, you should be entitled to claim compensation for any injury you have suffered.

    But it is not just car accidents that a solicitor can help with. They can also help you make a claim if you have been injured as a cyclist, a pedestrian, riding a motorbike or as a passenger on a bus or coach.

    Accidents at work

    Your employer is responsible for taking all reasonable steps to keep you safe while you are at work. This applies whether you work for a large multinational company or a small family-run business. Some of their duties include:

    • Provide adequate training and protective equipment (PPE)
    • Maintain equipment and machinery in good working condition
    • Keep a safe work environment that is free of slip, trip and fall hazards
    • Prevent exposure to hazardous materials such as silica and asbestos

    If your employer fails to do so and it results in you suffering an injury at work, you are legally entitled to pursue a work accident claim.

    According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 138 workers were killed in work-related accidents between 2023 and 2024. The most common causes of fatal injuries were falls from a height and being struck by a moving vehicle.

    Injuries caused by medical negligence

    In the vast majority of cases, doctors, nurses and other medical practitioners provide members of the public with an excellent healthcare service.

    However, the level of care can sometimes fall below the expected standard. That can result in new injuries, worsening conditions and prolonged recovery periods. If you have been the victim of medical negligence, a specialist solicitor can help you claim the compensation you deserve.

    The most common types of medical negligence include misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, surgical errors, medication errors and birth injuries. These can be due to failure to order or interpret test results, poor communication, inadequate monitoring and lack of expertise.

    Slips and trips in public places

    Slips, trips, and falls are common occurrences in public places such as shops and restaurants. In many cases, they are simply due to a momentary lapse in attention or not taking enough time and care when walking from A to B.

    However, if you have slipped on a wet floor in a supermarket or tripped due to a poorly maintained pavement, you could be entitled to compensation. These types of accidents could and should have been avoided by the property owner or occupier.

    Under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, they must ensure that all visitors are safe from harm while on their premises. This involves maintaining safe conditions, addressing hazards, and signposting any risks that could lead to accidents or injuries.

    Other accidents

    Although the accidents above are some of the more common ones, injury lawyers have a wide range of experience helping people with all types of non-fault accidents. These include:

    Industrial illnesses

    You can make a claim if you develop a health condition due to unsafe working conditions, improper use of machinery, or exposure to hazardous substances. Examples of industrial diseases include occupational asthma, asbestosis and vibration white finger.

    Holiday accidents

    These types of claims involve accidents that occur while on holiday or during travel, whether in the UK or abroad. They can happen in hotels, swimming pools, on cruise ships or during activities like skiing or sightseeing.

    Injuries caused by faulty products

    Products that are poorly designed, defective or lack proper warnings and instructions can also cause accidents and injuries. Manufacturers and distributors can be held accountable for not ensuring their products are safe for use under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

    Animal attacks

    Animal attacks, such as dog bites, can result in significant injuries and trauma. These can happen on the street, in parks, while visiting others or on farms. Owners can be held liable for any injuries caused by their pets or farm animals, especially if they are known to be dangerous.

    Criminal assaults

    Criminal assaults involve injuries sustained from violent acts of others, including physical attacks, robberies, or sexual assaults. Besides physical injuries, these may also cause severe emotional trauma and financial losses. Claims for criminal acts are typically processed by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

    School and playground accidents

    These involve injuries sustained by children while at school or having fun on playgrounds. Such accidents may happen due to inadequate supervision, faulty equipment, or unsafe play areas. Parents can make a claim on behalf of their child up until their 18th birthday.

    Sports injuries

    When sports injuries occur due to inadequate training, lack of proper safety equipment, or dangerous playing conditions, they can lead to a claim for compensation.

    Military accidents

    Military accidents can occur during training or active duty and can sometimes result in severe injuries and disabilities. Military personnel have two options for compensation. They can make a civil claim for negligence within three years of their accident or claim through the no-fault Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS).

    Life-changing accidents

    Solicitors can also assist with claims related to serious injuries such as loss of sight, amputations, paralysis or traumatic brain injuries. These can profoundly impact the victim’s ability to work, perform daily activities, or care for themselves.

    Fatal accidents

    Accidents that tragically result in the loss of life have profound impacts on loved ones, including emotional distress, financial hardship, and loss of companionship. Family members of the deceased may be entitled to compensation for wrongful death and related expenses.

    Can I make an accident claim?

    If you’ve suffered an injury or illness as a result of the negligence of another person or company, you should be entitled to claim personal injury compensation. This will cover the pain and suffering caused, as well as financial burdens related to the accident, such as lost earnings and medical expenses.

    The best way to find out if you have a valid claim is by speaking to a legal adviser. You can request a free consultation over the phone, during which they will verify whether:

    • The defendant owed you a duty of care. This refers to a person or company’s legal obligation to avoid causing you harm. This will be established based on common law and specific legislation such as the Road Traffic Act 1988.
    • They breached this duty and caused an accident or incident. A breach of duty occurs when the party responsible for providing care fails to do so. Examples include driving under the influence, failing to provide training to employees and failing to clean up spillages in public places.
    • You suffered damages as a result. These refer to physical pain and suffering, emotional distress, and financial losses. Breach of duty and damages are proven based on evidence such as medical records, witness testimony, and financial documents.

    If these elements apply to your case, you are eligible to make a personal injury claim. If a loved one was injured due to someone else’s negligence, you could also make a claim on their behalf as a litigation friend.

    Don’t worry if you’re unsure whether you have a valid claim – that is what solicitors are here for. They are happy to assess the validity of your claim and provide free legal advice. To find out where you stand, call free on 0800 470 0474, or request a call back.

    Time limits to start a personal injury claim

    To be eligible to pursue a compensation claim, it is essential that you initiate your claim within three years from the date of your accident. This time limit is established by the Limitation Act 1980 and cannot be surpassed, or your case will no longer be valid.

    In some cases, the date of injury may be unknown. This is often the case with industrial illnesses such as asbestosis and mesothelioma, which develop over many years of asbestos exposure. It can also apply to some medical negligence claims. With these types of claims, the three-year time limit only begins to count down on the date that you are made aware of your injury or illness (the date of knowledge).

    There are a few exceptions to this limitation date:

    • If you are injured as a child, this three-year time limit doesn’t begin to count down until your 18th birthday.
    • The time limit is suspended when the claimant cannot start a claim due to lacking mental capacity. In this case, a litigation friend can represent them without a time limit.
    • You have two years to make an injury claim through the CICA if you were the victim of a criminal act.
    • There is a seven-year time limit to claim through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) following a military injury.
    • If a loved one suffered a wrongful death, you could make a compensation claim within three years from when they passed away.
    • Claims for accidents abroad may have different time limits based on each country’s laws and regulations.

    Can I claim on a No Win No Fee basis for all types of personal injury?

    The majority of personal injury claims are handled under a no win no fee arrangement. This approach ensures that everyone has access to legal representation, regardless of their financial situation. Also, it reduces the financial risk involved in pursuing legal action.

    With a no win no fee service, you do not have to pay any legal fees upfront. Instead, your injury lawyer will only be compensated if your claim is successful. This motivates them to work diligently on your behalf, as their payment depends on the compensation you receive for your injuries.

    Additionally, this arrangement allows you to focus on your recovery without the burden of legal costs. If your claim fails, you will not be required to pay anything, providing peace of mind during an already challenging time.

    How is compensation calculated when I’m injured in an accident?

    All accident claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis. This is because all claims are different, and it is essential to ensure you get the full compensation you’re entitled to.

    Regardless of the type of accident you’ve suffered, you will receive compensation for two types of damages. General damages cover the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by your injuries. Special damages are awarded for financial losses incurred as a result of the accident.

    Some of the factors that are assessed when calculating how much compensation you are entitled to include:

    • The type and severity of the injury you have suffered
    • The level of impact the injury has had on your day-to-day life
    • Any loss of earnings from having to take time off from work
    • The cost of any medications or rehabilitation treatment, such as physiotherapy

    To get a rough idea of how much the type of injury you suffered could entitle you to claim, take a look at our compensation calculator. For a more accurate assessment, contact a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation by calling 0800 470 0474 or requesting a call back.